Tips For A Clean Home In The  Spring Months

Every season calls for a different approach to cleaning. Keep your home clean during the spring

Keep Dirt Outside

Investing in a mat for all of their external and internal entrances, will keep dirt entering into your home at a minimum.

Light Fittings

It is the ideal time of the year to give your lamps, lampshades, and lights some extra attention. These are areas of the home that are often overlooked when cleaning.

      PRO TIP:

Clean and test carbon monoxide alarms, smoke alarms, and the chimney.

      Curtains, Upholstery, & Bedding

You would be surprised at just the amount of dirt that your mattress can harbour. This is why it is vital to give your mattress a good clean.


Remove cobwebs from homes or apartments as soon as you notice them. They can go unnoticed for months in small corners. 

Declutter Cupboards

Yes, we are referring to those items you don’t really need but you hold onto anyway.

With that being said, read on to discover ten of the best spring cleaning tips.